Proud to support the Armed Forces Para-Snowsport Team
Our CI Group Quarterly meetings are always a fantastic opportunity for all staff from our Group Agencies to come together to share learnings, work and celebrate our latest achievements. At our last meeting, I was particularly proud to share details of the latest CSR project, donating our consultancy, design and digital skills to create a new brand DNA and inspiring new website for a hugely worthy charity, the Armed Forces Para-Snowsports Team (AFPST).
The AFPST use the proven restorative and transforming power of para-snowsports to support and accelerate the recovery and welfare of wounded, injured and sick military personal and veterans who have been injured in the service of their country. This charity’s fantastic work not only enables self-confidence, worth, purpose and spirit but it also helps injured armed forces personnel transition to a successful civilian life.
The charity’s fit with our Changing Behaviours Group vision seemed natural. On an individual level the charity provides care, support and rehabilitation of veterans, enabling them to change their behaviours and think once again about their disability and use it as an opportunity to challenge themselves mentally and physically. These inspirational and determined men and women really prove, through the physical feats they put themselves through, that disability is no longer something that holds you back.
The charity is also able to lead and motivate behavioural change in families and society as a whole by demonstrating value and inspiration. Views of disability have now changed, and we are seeing that there are no boundaries to grit, determination and human endeavour.
As William Henley wrote so movingly in his Invictus poem “It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul“ which also reminds us that disability not an obstacle to success, and that with the right support, commitment, vision and willpower, change is always possible.